Magic Takes a Holiday Ophelia: Okay, listen up, people, I'm makin' a few changes here. Monroe: Well, congratulations on being the first Te Xuan Ze forbidden to fight monsters by her parents. Okay, okay! I get it! It's happening! I'll Get By with a Little Help from My Elf (After Juniper gets grounded) Monroe: AAAAAH! You didn't think it was a wee bit suspicious he was helping you for absolutely no reason at all?! Juniper Lee: He's a helper elf! He had a badge! Monroe: (points to Ray-Ray) This one had a t-shirt that says "Rock Star", you don't see me asking for his autograph! Ray Ray: That's 'cause it costs a dollar. Ding Dong, the Witch Ain't Dead June: Please tell me this isn't happening. Juniper Lee: Reputation? Mom and Dad are the only ones who've heard us play, and they made us soundproof the basement! We stink! Dennis: You stink. Dennis: In what? Juniper Lee: I cannot believe we're related. Dennis: So? Juniper Lee: If he doesn't like us, we don't get in. Dennis: So? Juniper Lee: He decides which acts get in the show. Dennis: Oh, what do you care what some old geezer thinks. Ray Ray: Dude! Roger is a musical genius! Juniper Lee: Yeah, but look at Mr. Can we please try and get through one song? Tryouts for the talent show are tomorrow. Ray Ray: Dude, I go where the music takes me. Dennis: Oh, yeah? Well, Ray-Ray doesn't even know which song we're playing. There's dead people who can keep time better than you. Juniper Lee: Hey, at least I can keep the beat. Dennis: Trust me, Van Halen, it's not the guitar. Enter Sandman (June, Ray Ray, and Dennis are practicing their musical act for the school's talent show) Juniper Lee: Hold on, hold on. (Ray Ray is tossing appliances, toys, and sporting goods in the Batoot's mouth) Ray Ray: Yeah! June: Ray Ray, stop that! He's a monster, not a landfill. Ray Ray: Nothing! I just mean.going from the straight A's I'm getting to A-pluses! You know, kickin' out hardcore! Michael Lee: Atta boy, Ray Ray! Glad to hear you're getting excited about learning. Michael Lee: Hey! No snakes, one set of holes in your ears is plenty, and we have a dog! Ray Ray: If I get my grades up, then can I have a dog? Barbara Lee: (pauses) What's wrong with your grades? June: Smooth. June: Yeah, well, if Dennis gets a snake, I wanna get my ears pierced again. Dennis: If he gets a dog, I'm getting a snake. (Barbara stares, Juniper kicks Ray Ray in the shin): Ray Ray: Ow! Uh, I mean, Monroe is June's dog. Ray Ray: (silently) I was hoping for one who didn't talk back so much. Barbara Lee: Yes, sweetie, we have a dog. Ray Ray: We should get a dog! Barbara Lee: Ray Ray! Michael Lee: You seem to have forgotten Monroe. June: (picks up the box) It is labeled! "Cyclone Monkeys! Danger! DO NOT OPEN!!" Ray Ray: You see, that's kinda vague. (Ray Ray opens the door to show the cyclone monkeys loose, causing havoc) June: Oh, man! Ray Ray: It wasn't my fault! You should label those boxes you keep them in. When I tell you, you're gonna laugh, I swear! June: Ray Ray! Ray Ray: Okay, you know those cyclone monkeys you got locked up in your room? June: Yeah? Ray Ray: Well, not so much locked up anymore. But it's ok,".whispering: "I hadn't read it yet anyway, don't tell anybody." Not in My Backyard June: Ray-Ray, what did you do? Ray Ray: (laughs) Relax. I hope we did not interupt anything." Thor: "Well, just book club. It Takes a Pillage Jody is possessed by a Viking spirit Jody Irwin: Give me the medallion, you milk-livered runt! Juniper Lee: Runt?! I've got two inches on you! New Trickster in Town Thor: "ordering pity party of one please, your table is ready, tonights special is an oven roasted fillet of poor me, served on a delightful bed of cry me a river." Ya ready to go bubba? Cult: Sure! Juniper: Good. Juniper: Nothing? we've got 40 pounds of slug in our toilet.what did you do?!Ĭult: What's that? Juniper: That’s my dog, and he’s showing us the way out. I've Got My Mind on My Mummy and My Mummy on My Mind Juniper: Ray-Ray.what did you do? Ray-Ray: What? Juniper: What did you do? Ray-Ray: Nothing. Two, if there was music, I wouldn't like it. Ophelia Ramírez: Ah, the lesser of three evils. Juniper Lee: Your mother hired a clown? Jody Irwin: It was the pony, the magician, or the clown. Season 1 It's Your Party and I'll Whine If I Want To Juniper Lee: Sorry we're late. 2.9 June's Egg-cellent Adventure: Juniper Lee Meets the Easter Bunny.2.6 There's No Mitzvah Like Snow Mitzvah.2.1 It's the Great Pumpkin, Juniper Lee.1.8 I'll Get By with a Little Help from My Elf.1.2 I've Got My Mind on My Mummy and My Mummy on My Mind.1.1 It's Your Party and I'll Whine If I Want To.